Hello. My name is Tricia, and I have an addiction, an addiction to fiction. Fellow addicts, I welcome you with open arms. Blogger over @ bookwormcoalition.wordpress.com
I think I have whiplash! I was jerked in so many directions in Thief that I'm not even sure what way is up anymore. The will they or won't they was absolute torture right up until the very end. It was rather sad to watch Caleb deal with all the repercussions of his poor decisions. This book wasn't quite what I was expecting. I was thinking that all Caleb's dirty secrets were finally going to be put on display here, but instead it was just sad to see how much he was trying to fill the void that not having Olivia had left in his life for so many years. I really thought that he might have been more sinister than we were lead to believe at the beginning, but it seems that he was just more damaged than anything.
"Maybe our souls touched underneath that tree. Maybe I decided to love her. Maybe love wasn't a choice. But when I looked at that women, I saw myself differently. And it wasn't in a good light. Not a thing would keep me from her. And that could make a person do things they never thought themselves capable of. What I felt for her scared the hell out of me. It was a consuming obsession."
It was nice to finally get the remaining pieces to the puzzle, even if they weren't always what I was expecting. Leah and Olivia's interactions as always were pretty entertaining. I like the claws that Olivia has finally let out with her in the past two books. She used truth as a weapon against Leah, and it was a sharp one. This series was a rollercoaster ride for your emotions, and while it's exciting and there is a part of you that desperately doesn't want to stop riding the high, I am also content with the ending and the fact that the story is over. It ended quite perfectly for this bunch of characters. Nothing seemed out of place or unrealistic.