2.5 Stars
Well I'm left with pretty much the same feelings I had about the first book. I still enjoyed the storyline, the whole mystery behind the clones and this supernatural crime syndicate is very interesting. But some of these characters and the stuff they do blows my mind, and not really in a good way.
I generally like Riley, but sometimes she does some really stupid things. I get that she's a werewolf and she "needs" sex frequently, but some of this stuff is just plain ridiculous. When you are running away from bad guys who want to kill you, it's seriously not the time to have sex with a stranger. Some of these sexual situations she gets in are just way over the top. I'm not a prude by any means, I just find some if this stuff out of control.
Then there is Quinn. At this point I am lost as to why anyone even likes this tool. I might have been able to only slightly baulk at the rampant racism spewing out of Quinn's mouth in the first book, he's actually getting worse in this book. Now he has to have Riley and basically possess her entirely, and dictate her life. He's kind of a haughty ass, he thinks he's so much better than everyone, especially Riley, which begs the question....why do you even want to be with her???!!!! And now he's talking about forcing her to do things against her will, what a douche! The more I read about him the more of an ass he becomes! I really thought that he would redeem himself a little in this book, but it's not even close to happening at this point.
I will most likely give the third book a try, in hopes that some of these things improve. It's so frustrating because I think there is a pretty great story here, I just wish that some of these characters severe faults weren't overshadowing it.