Hello. My name is Tricia, and I have an addiction, an addiction to fiction. Fellow addicts, I welcome you with open arms. Blogger over @ bookwormcoalition.wordpress.com
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"He doesn't look like a Drone at all. He looks...he looks like a Felix. He looks like something only he could be in the entire One World, in the universe. All people used to look like that, once, her father had told her. They used to be like that."
No Ordinary Star was a very interesting read! Set in the year 2524, where things are much different than they are now. Boys and Girls grown in labs rather than being born to parents, and being raised separately from one another, each into their predetermined gender roles in life. In a world where there is no hunger or illness anymore, but there's also no wonder, no family, no love.
"It doesn't enter his mind right then that he's been robbed of all of this, of beauty, of life, of the very world for seventeen years."
Felix, an impressive soldier in the Chairman's Army, Astra, a rebel on the run, and Ursa, maybe the last polar bear in existence, band together as reluctant comrades to figure out what is really happening in the world around them, and what has brought them all to this deserted Clockmaster's home full of secrets, treasures, and hopefully answers.
"She knows what they are; at least she thinks she does. They're the most dangerous weapons, and none are supposed to have survived the Revision. But the Rebels had a couple of them, caked in the mud of decades and half burned -they'd been salvaged from the Revision burnings- still she's fairly certain that's what they were.
"Oh," she gasps.
In here there are thousands of them. A room full of weaponry -illegal weaponry."
I really enjoyed the dystopian world that Frank has created! I am curious to find out even more about it. I feel like we've only just had a glimpse of it here. I like the coming together of these radically different people like Astra and Felix. Astra has been raised by rebels and has a lot more insight into how messed up this world is and exactly what drones like Felix have been missing out on. On the flip side, Felix has been a good little soldier and quickly climbed the ranks of the chairman's army and his knowledge of the inner workings of the whole system is vast. I can't help but think that this will come in very handy later on in the series. Survival in the harsh elements of the Clockmaster's home has kind of forced them to rely on one another just to make it. But there was definitely a sense by the end that they were forming, at least a shaky sort of alliance.
"Why does it feel like it's the greatest felony of all, the biggest crime in the Planet, that this smart, animated little person who's managed to keep herself as well as him alive for days, isn't able to put letters together to read a simple phrase?"
This was a quick read that set an intriguing foundation for this kind of frightening futuristic dystopian world. I am looking forward to seeing how things proceed from here! Also has to be said that this cover is so GORGEOUS!! I might just have to pick up the physical copy to add to my shelves!
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
**This book (and its sequel) is currently only $0.99 on Amazon for the Kindle copy right now!
If you're interested, you can get your copy here: https://goo.gl/A4hzKY