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99 problems, and a book ain't one

Hello. My name is Tricia, and I have an addiction, an addiction to fiction. Fellow addicts, I welcome you with open arms. Blogger over @ bookwormcoalition.wordpress.com


Braineater Jones - Stephen Kozeniewski



   This is NOT your average zombie novel! As much as I love the standard zombie thing, I really enjoyed this story! I mean what's not to like...undead that stave off munching brains by consuming alcohol, a surly zombified private dick fumbling through piecing things together, a brothel, talking heads (seriously only a HEAD), robots, voodoo, bootleggers, Nazis and pretty much any other thing you didn't even know you wanted!


lots of booze



  I loved the zombies! It was really different to see them still have most of their mental faculties in their undeath. They do suffer from a bout of temporary amnesia upon first waking up in their afterlife, which only adds to the suspense and fun of them trying to figure out who they are, why they're kind of alive, and what the hell to do now that they are naked in a swimming pool with a gapping hole in their chest.


zombie meat].gif



It was so entertaining to see Braineater Jones (yes that is his name...that he gave to himself) throwing himself into bad situation after bad situation trying to figure things out. All the while trying to stay hopped up on enough hooch to not turn into a real braineater. Oh yeah, did I mention that there's the whole problem of alcohol being really freaking hard to come by?



die without alcohol



  I love the whole noir vibe too. Think Sin City in the 1930's, with a real undead problem. Just awesome. The lingo, the feel, the cesspool of a city, I dug it all, in a big freaking way.



1930s dick


I also appreciated the humor. Kozeniewski has a wry sense of humor, and it really fits perfectly in this story. There are so many other things I could say about this book, but 75% of the fun of it was being shocked by what was happening next. It was clever, funny, surprising, grisly, morbid, unique, and about 100 other awesome things.



sinners welcome



 On a side note, can someone please make this into a graphic novel, cause that would be some next level stuff! And yes....please judge this book by it's cover, because it's equally as badass inside.


I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.